Monthly Events Calendar

April Events Calendar (2006)
April is Appreciate Diversity Month to help us celebrate all diversity that exists within our workplaces, schools and communities.
April Event Calendar (05)
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. Be careful what you say to your child. It is important to remember that abuse comes in many forms. One of the most harmful and life changing is berating, name calling and harsh put-downs. In a childs mind, if mommy or daddy says it, it must be so.
April Events (2010)
Autism is not new, but awareness of it is. Please read information the Autism Society shares with the public.
April Events (2011)
April is Autism Awareness Month. Are more children affected by autism these days or is it that we are more aware of the issues? See and read valuable information about autism.
April Events Calendar
Of all the important days and events taking place this coming month April Fools Day is high on the list, and it never dissappoints the young at heart and in spirit
April Events Calendar (07)
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. Child abuse is more than hitting a child. Abuse comes in many forms, including cruel teasing, hurling unforgivable words and, emotional and physical neglect.
April Monthly Events Calendar (09)
The economy is bad but there is hope. April brings us Financial Literacy Month. Take a look at and find out what you can do to ease the financial strangle hold. This month is also National Garden Month; when all else fails, take time to stop and smell roses.
August Monthly Calendar (07)
For devout Elvis Presley fans perhaps nothing is more important than celebrating Elvis Week and if you are lucky visiting Elvis’ beloved Graceland. However it is also National Immunization Awareness Month. Take a few moments to see what the Center for Disease Control has to say.
August Event Calendar (05)
Elvis fans will remember that Elvis Presley died August 16, 1977. Those who can will flock to Memphis to celebrate the man and his music
August Event Calendar (2008)
August is definately a become aware and get healthly, stay healthy month. But this is also the month Elvis Presley fans celebrate Elvis week.
August Events (2010)
August 1 is Friendship Day. A reminder that friendship crosses all ethnic, race and age boundaries. And speaking of age, August 21 is National Senior Citizens Day.
August Events Calendar (2006)
I see that August 8 through the 16 is shown as as Elvis week, but I suspect for die heart Presley fans, every week is Elvis week.
August Events Calendar (2011)
August 7 to 13 is National Farmers Market Week. Celebrate your local farmers market. Many markets have fun for kids, entertainment and of course fresh fruit and vegetable fresh from local farms.
August Monthly Events Calendar (09)
It is Cataract Awareness Month. More than half of all Americans develop cataracts by age 80. The good news is, cataracts are one of the most curable forms of vision loss. Don't put off getting regular eye check ups.
December Event Calender (07)
December 1 is World AIDS Day. It is a day of awareness and education about AIDS. To focus on prevention, control, research and education.
December Events
Christmas is celebrated in many countries. Whether it is celebrated as a religious holiday or a cultural holiday, Christmas is dear in the hearts of those who celebrate it. In addition to tree decorating and exchanging gifts, many spend much of this day in church to celebrate the birth of Jesus.
December Events Calendar (05)
Mothers Against Drunk Drivers (MADD) organization is encouraging all drivers to drive safe, sober and wear your seatbelts throughout the holidays. This time of year it is easy to over indulge. Be safe. If you are drinking, don't drive.
December Events Calendar (2008)
December Events Calendar (2010)
World AIDS Day is December 1, its theme for 2010 is “Universal Access and Human Rights.” It is apropos that December is Universal Human Rights Month. With so much unrest going on in the world, this is a good time to think about human rights for all people.
February (08) Monthly Events Calendar
Women have heart attacks too. This is American Heart Month. We tend to forget that women have heart attacks too. Cardiovascular disease does not fall under the umbrella of "for men only".
February Calendar (07)
February is American Heart Month. It is good to remember that heart disease affects women too. The American Heart Association says, "Walk more. Eat well. Live longer. Start! today"
February Event Calendar (05)
Along with Valentine's Day on February 14, is Relationship Wellness Month. Feb. 1–28. To recapture the spark and zeal of personal relationships.
February Events (2010)
As always there are several health issues we should be aware of, we must pay more attention to eating disorders and understand that they can affect anyone. National Eating Disorders Awareness Week starts February 21, learn more about it here.
February Events Calendar
February 4 is World Cancer Day. Each year on February 4, the World Health Organization promotes ways to ease the global burden of cancer. WHO estimates that without intervention 84 million people will die of cancer between 2005 and 2015.
February Events Calendar (2011)
Come February 2, a lot of us await a visit from a little groundhog AKA Punxsutawney Phil, to give us the Winter/Spring forecast, will he see his shadow this year?
February Events Calendar (2006)
February 22 is "Inconvenience Yourself Day", but you don't have to wait to reach out to someone who needs your help. Take a moment to call a lonely relative. Visit the senior next door. Inconvenience yourself--just a little.
February Monthly Events Calendar (2009)
Feb. 22–28 is National Eating Disorders Awareness Week. The National Eating Disorders Organization is trying to raise awareness and educate the public about these disorders that can be fatal. Also, don't forget to wear red on February 6 to acknowledge cardiovascular disease in women.
January Events (2011)
It's National Bath Safety Month. Remember the young and elderly are especially at risk. It only takes a second for a mishap, one that can change your life.
January Calendar (07)
January is Cervical Cancer Screening Month. Remember to take some time out now so you will have time later.
January Events Calendar
Happy New Year! Are you ready to start a new year? Why not start it with a good deed by becoming a blood donor this month, did you know January is National Blood Donor Month? January is also National Mentoring Month. This is an excellent time to share what you have learned.
January Events Calendar (2006)
The month of January is Cervical Cancer Screening Month. Take some time out now so you will have time later.
January Events Calendar (2009)
January is Get Organized Month it is also Cervical Cancer Screening Month. What better way to start organizing your time and your life. Make an appointment with your MD and your eye doctor early in the month. Don't forget to remind vulnerable family members to make appointments as well.
January Monthly Events (2010)
January events include Birth Defects Prevention Month. Be sure to visit the March of Dime History of Success page.
July Event Calendar (05)
While searching for July events I came across Gorgeous Grandma Day (July 23) I loved the idea. While Grams may not be under-appreciated they are often taken for granted.
July Event Calendar (2008)
July 27 is National Parents' Day. The resolution declares National Parents' Day, "recognizing, uplifting, and supporting the role of parents in the rearing of children." What better way to celebrate than with bowl of blueberry (National Blueberry month) ice cream (National Ice Cream Month.)
July Events Calendar (07)
Summertime often means, "It is time to grill outdoors." If you are of one those who believe that everything tastes better when grilled, be sure to take a look at safe grilling hints from the Home Safety Council.
July Events Calendar (2006)
The Tour De France often celebrate's the real beginning of summer in some parts of the world as cycling’s best of the best compete in France's famous and exciting bike race.
July Events Calendar (2010)
July 12-18 is National Parenting Gifted Children Week. Sponsored by SENG (Supporting Emotional Needs of Gifted) to celebrate the joys and challenges of raising, guiding, and supporting bright young minds.
July Events Calendar (2011)
July is National Ice Cream Month, proclaimed by President Ronald Reagan in 1984 to recognize the popularity of ice cream in the United States. Chocolate, vanilla, strawberry? What's your favorite ice cream flavor?
July Monthly Events (09)
Everyone knows that the U.S. celebrates Independence Day on July 4, but July is also National Hemochromatosis Screening and Awareness Month. Please visit the iron disorders site to learn about this very serious disease.
June Event Calendar (05)
June is Cancer From the Sun Month. All skin tones and colors need protection from the sun. Remembering to use sunblocks and sunscreens can help to give some protection.
June Events Calendar (2006)
June 1–30 is Dairy Month to pay tribute to the vital role milk and dairy products play in the American diet and the contribution of America’s dairy farmers.
June Events Calendar (2008)
June 1 is National Cancer Survivors Day. The NCSD is celebrating its 21st year. According to the site NCSD is world’s largest and fastest-growing annual cancer survivor event.
June Events Calendar (2010)
It is fresh fruit and vegetable month, there is no better time for fresh fruit and veggies than during the summer months. Buy whole fruit, cut them into small pieces and put in the fridge for snacking. Do the same with celery, carrots, radishes, etc.
June Events Calendar (2011)
Celebrate life. June 5 is National Cancer Survivors Day. The National Cancer Survivors Day Foundation defines a “survivor” as anyone living with a history of cancer—from the moment of diagnosis through the remainder of his or her life.
June Monthly Calendar (07)
Among other things, June is Cancer in the Sun Month. Remember to wear your sunscreen and protect your skin. Also, remember that all skin colors and types need protection from the sun.
June Monthly Events (09)
June is Men’s Health Month. We so seldom talk about men’s health problems, especially those that are preventable. This is a good time to learn about early detection and treatment of disease among the men and boys in your life. And remember, June 21 is Father's Day.
March Event Calendar (05)
March 1 through 31 is National Women’s History Month. A time to celebrate women for their contributions and achievements.
March Events (2010)
March is Women's History Month, a time to take notice of all that women have done to help make countries and the world a better place. Celebrate a woman today.
March Events Calendar
"Social Work Matters" is the theme of Social Work Month this month, sponsored by the National Association of Social Workers. One of the messages is social workers are the safety net in our society.
March Events Calendar (07)
National Women’s History Month. A time for re-examining and celebrating the wide range of women’s contributions and achievements that are too often overlooked in the telling of U.S. history.
March Events Calendar (2011)
March is Women's History Month, it highlights and celebrates the contributions of women throughout history.
March Monthly Events Calendar (09)
March is National Women's History Month. Celebrate this month by honoring not only the women who have made historical contributions to the world, but those who have made a difference in your life.
May Event Calendar (05)
May is National Arthritis Month. Did you know that there are over 100 forms arthritis and related diseases? Become knowledgeable about arthritis. Make sure that lingering tennis elbow is nothing more than that.
May Events 2010
National Nurses Week begins each year on May 6 (National Nurses Day) and ends on May 12, the birthday of Florence Nightingale.
May Events Calendar
A reminder that May 13 to May 19 is National Women's Health Week. Ladies, you can't take care of your family if you don't take care of yourself.
May Events Calendar (2006)
In May, as we celebrate Mother's Day, take some to out to learn more about fibromyalgia, a painful disease that affects more than 10 million American women.
May Events Calendar (2008)
May 11 is Mother's Day in the U.S. and May 26 is Memorial Day, also in the U.S. These are times to celebrate and honor life and death, each in our own way.
May Events Calendar (2011)
Among other events May celebrates Reading is Fun Week, sponsored by Reading is Fundamental to highlight the joy of reading and remind everyone that reading can be and is fun. Read a book today.
May Monthly Calendar (07)
May is National High Blood Pressure Education Month. Their theme is
"Adherence to Treatment".
May Monthly Events Calendar (09)
A reminder that May is National High Blood Pressure Education Month. Don't put off getting your blood pressure checked. It could save your life.
Monthly Events Calendar - April (08)
No Housework Day was mentioned in one of the magazines I picked up at the supermarket. I had never heard of No Housework Day, but I did like the sound of it. After doing some checking I found that it does indeed exist, it occurs every April 7.
Monthly Events Calendar - January (08)
Welcome to 2008. As we enter the new year start keeping those New Year's resolutions today, especially the ones where you have promised to go to your doctor for check-ups and to get organized.
Monthly Events Calendar - March (08)
March is International Listening Awareness Month. "Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around." — Leo Buscaglia
Monthy Events for October 2009
This seems to be the month to take closer look a myriad of health issues, including World Food Day to increase of the awarness of hunger throughout the world.
November Calender (06)
November is National Alzheimer’s Disease Month. In the past this formerly misunderstood disease had no name. For some families there was only shame and fear.
November Events (2010)
November 18 is the Great American Smokeout. Give up cigarettes for a day—and start giving them up for the rest of your life. Be good to yourself.
November Events Calendar
November is National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, more than 5 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s, and as many as 10 million family members are responsible for them as caregivers.
November Events Calendar (05)
November appears to be the month that takes a hard look at devastating illnesses; diabetes, epilepsy, lung cancer, Alzheimer’s disease. There is no better time to create awareness than November when so many of us celebrate Thanksgiving.
November Events Calendar (2008)
With so much going on these days, take some time to participate in Family Volunteer Day on Nov. 22. Thanksgiving is coming, there is no better time to get your family involved in volunteering.
November Monthly Events Calendar ((07)
Take a moment to visit the Alzheimer Organization site to find out more about this mind altering disease to become aware of what signs to look for in a loved one or yourself.
November Monthly Events Calendar (09)
To all caregivers everywhere, we thank you for your time, dedication, love and devotion. Novemember is National Family Caregivers Month, if you know a caregiver, please reach out to say thank you.
October Event Calendar (05)
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. If you have an opportunity walk please do. If you are not able to walk, try to donate some time or a few dollars to this worthy cause. Above all, take advantage of breast cancer screening services.
October Events (2006)
October is being hailed as Domestic Violence Awareness Month to raise awareness of efforts to end violence against women and their children.
October Events Calendar
October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month. Down syndrome is a genetic condition that causes delays in physical and intellectual development. Down Syndrome Awareness Month emphasizes and highlights the talent of people with Down syndrome.
October Events Calendar (2008)
October 25 is Make A Difference Day. A national day of neighbors helping neighbors. Don't forget to do your part in making this day a success.
October Events Calendar (2010)
October 1 is World Smile Day, created by commercial artist Harvey Ball, creator of the widespread "smiley face." Ball "understood the power of a smile and a kind act." Celebrate and share a smile today.
October Monthly Events Calendar (07)
October 14 to 20 is National Food Bank Week. However, this is something to think about and understand at all times--hunger is not a third world phenomenon; there is hunger in the United States.
September Event Calender (05)
September is Library Card Sign-up Month. This is an important first step for young children. A child with his or her own library card learns one of the first lessons of being responsible.
September Events Calendar
September 25 to October 1 is Banned Books Week. As one who loves reading, I cannot imagine my life without books or a life where someone tells I cannot read this or that book. Enjoy reading.
September Events Calendar (2010)
Sept. 19-25 is Child Passenger Safety Week. Parents and caregivers are urged to make sure their car seats and booster seats are properly installed in their vehicles to prevent injuries and deaths among children.
September Events Calendar ((2008)
September is Be Kind to Editors and Writers Month. I could not find much information concerning this holiday, but do appreciate it.
September Monthly Events 2006
September is Gynecologic Cancer Awareness Month, it is designated to encourage women to learn more about gynecologic cancers—how they can be detected and prevented before they become fatal.
September Monthly Events Calendar (07)
It is Library Card Sign-Up Month. To encourage every child to sign up for a library card and use it. Reading is more than fundamental, it's just fun.
September Monthly Events Calendar (09)
In the USA September 7 is Labor Day, a time for fun, picnics and celebration of the end of summer, but it is more than that. Visit the site see what Labor Day really means.
Women´s Calendar
Women´s Calendar lists itself as the largest listing of women’s events on the Web reaching hundreds thousands of readers worldwide.
There is a fountain of envent infomation here.
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