Quality of Life

Boomers are Fighting Ageism
Older persons encounter ageism in the workplace, the health care system, family settings, and in most other venues. By ignoring the existence of stereotyping, older persons in fact are encouraging discrimination against themselves. Let's learn how not to encourage these negative ageism behaviors.
Aging in Place
Aging in place is perceived by many to be a good concept overall, but many new types of support systems are needed in the community for older persons to age in place successfully. This article provides an overview, challenges recommendations based on the latest studies.
Aging Vision Loss and Protecting Our Independence
More than 3.3 million Americans age 40 and older have low vision and blindness, but we need to realize that serious vision loss is not inevitable as we age. Learn the warning signs and what we can do to prevent vision problems.
Bucket Lists
What is the value of preparing bucket lists/life lists? Making a "life list" is a great way to make positive plans for the future and give us reasons to look forward and not always back. Implementing our life lists also provide great memories for our older years.
Building Spiritual Connections in Later Life
Feeling hopeful and positive are important components of nurturing our spiritual side at any age. There are several kinds of activities we can select that will nurture that side. Learn what these action steps are, how to become more spiritual and how to feel more content as we age.
Car Choices
Selecting the cars we drive in older age is important as the choices we make directly affect our safety when we drive. Check out the guidelines for car selection and tips for comfort now and for the future.
Centenarians as An Aging Model
Research shows that centenarians represent an excellent model of aging well, and some of the reasons are included here. The New England study results give us the predictors as to why people live to be age 100. Interviews with centenarians have fostered advice as to how they made it to 100 plus.
Changes in Sleep Patterns
Changes in sleep patterns as we age sometimes go unnoticed, or if we notice them, we think something is wrong with us. Information gleaned from studies shows us that changes are normal and we should make efforts to work on healthy sleep patterns.
Companionship as We Age
Looking for companionship at any age, but especially in our older years, can be a challenge. Before looking, we need to explore our feelings and acknowledge the kind of relationship we want for ourselves. Learn about the three C's which help us to find the right mate and be safe a the same time.
Conscientiousness Connected to Good Health
Interesting studies have shown that more conscientious persons have better health and live longer. Read how to become more conscientious and how to improve our chances of staying healthier longer.
Disability Trends Declining
Disability appears to be declining in older age say the experts. This is good news for us as we age. What's the bad news? Read this article and discover why "sitting disease" causes peril to our health.
Driver Rehabilitation Specialists - Keep Driving
There are an estimated 35 million older drivers and their fitness to operate a vehicle is critical. This article tells us how we can access valuable assistance to keep driving through the use of driver rehab specialists as we encounter certain health impediments.
Easy Steps to Improve Our Health
As we age, we need to be very aware of our health and what is happening to our bodies. Most of us have a few bad habits that affect many aspects of our health, from cholesterol to sleep. Here are some tips to make changes in ways that work for most of us.
Embracing Technology a Positive
Considering older generations did not grow up with computers, we have been more reluctant to embrace new technology,and in fact may be suspicious of it. We continue to lag behind younger Americans in tech adoption. Learn about this phenomenon and why embracing technology is the way to go!
Feeling Younger than Our Age
Older persons who feel younger than their actual age experience health benefits far beyond those who “feel their age.” We should think about our approach to aging and realize that "looking" younger isn't the same as "feeling" younger, and feeling younger than our actual age is where it's at!
Fighting Stress
We all know that stress can be a killer and that reducing stress in our lives is the healthiest option. This article provides us with some recommendations based on research that will help us move toward a healthier, stress free lifestyle.
Fighting the Aging Process
What kinds of action steps can we take to fight the effects of the coming years? Learn how to take up the challenge and begin feeling and looking better immediately.
Financial Stresses Can Cause Negative Habits
To some of us our financial situation may not seem very controllable, so we may turn to some negative habits to help our emotional response to the stress. Learn here what some of these stresses are and how we can react to them in a positive way.
Gifts for the Older Set
Buying gifts for older persons requires some original thinking. Some elders say they have everything they need, but there are some cool things out there that even the “please don’t buy me anything” folks might enjoy! As the holidays approach, we all could use some new ideas for gift giving!
Good Oral Health a Challenge
About 25% of adults 60 years old and older no longer have any natural teeth. Get the overview about oral health and aging and learn how you can enhance your oral health.
Heart Failure [offsite link]
Helping Others with Grief
Sometimes it is very difficult to know what to say to others when they have had an acute loss. Since losses become more common as we age, it is to our advantage to learn what we should and shouldn't say or do at these times. Learn the basics of helping others grieve.
High Blood Pressure in the Elderly [offsite link]
Hobbies are Good for Health
Studies show that if we choose hobbies that are mentally and physically challenging, we can enhance our health and quality of life. Get some suggestions and good ideas here.
How to Shop Deliberately
When we develop our grocery list we usually itemize foods that were previously in our refrigerators or pantries. We often don’t deliberately add items that are the healthiest for us to eat. Discover these healthy food staples suggested by nutritionists and start shopping with health in mind.
Investing in Health Pays Off
Being diligent about routine checkups and not letting vanity or reluctance keep us from wearing eyeglasses and hearing aids if we need them are not easy tasks as we age. Learn ways to make health the top priority that it should be and hopefully chuckle along the way!
It's Important to Laugh!
Laughter, especially as we age, will enable us to get through the hard times and more readily appreciate the good. We need to be proactive in seeking out enjoyable times and laughter. Learn how to do it right here.
Itching Common Among Older Adults
Itching is probably one of the most common complaints that dermatologists encounter in older populations. Learn why this problem exists and how to help yourself and others with a malady that continuously affects a good quality of life.
Key Issues forTransitioning to Retirement
People don't think through some of the basics when they plan for retirement because their focus is on financial considerations as well as location. Read what other important issues we all should consider when thinking about retiring.
Late Life Remarriage
Remarrying in later years is not always easy since two people have to mesh their lifestyles, families, friends and interests. How to do it well? Read all about it!
Living Alone at 95
Living along as we age can be daunting, but when we have examples like Kathleen at age 95 delighted to have her own place, we realize it is "doable" to remain independent. This interview with Kathleen tells us about her support systems, memories and very positive attitude.
Managing Holiday Stress
As we get older, whether we are planning to be all alone for the Holidays or headed into an uncomfortable group situation, there is nothing like being prepared. Learn how stay in a positive frame of mind and take control as the holidays approach.
Older Adults and Alcohol
Drinking too much alcohol at any age can cause health problems. Since older adults take more medication as they age and alcohol can affect drug interactions, drinking can be more dangerous for older persons. Learn about the effects of alcohol as we age and what to avoid.
Out of Balance?
As we age, there can be a number of reasons why our balance isn’t what it used to be. We need to test it and improve our equilibrium to avoid falls. Learn how to do both here!
Pets Enhance Well-being
Animals can reduce loneliness and encourage healthy behaviors. It is important to appreciate how pets can add to a healthy lifestyle as we age and as our loved ones also get on in years. Learn how owning a pet can add to our quality of life.
Planning for Final Years
Many of us avoid planning for our final years. Waiting and deferring to others can be a mistake, because it is just as crucial that we have peace of mind and a good quality of life in our final years as at any other time in our lives. Learn what to do to prepare and take charge!
Quality of Life Newsletter Content
This first newsletter article provides an overview of the content planned for the Quality of Life newsletter linked to BellaOnline's Geriatrics site.
Readers Weigh In
No matter what kind of concerns we experience as we age, we need to recognize that "we are all in this together." If an issue doesn't affect us directly, it probably has affected a member of our family, a friend or a loved one. Learn what some of our readers have to say!
Rolling with the Punches
Resilience helps us “roll with the punches” and to have a better quality of life. Learn how we can build on our innate resilience and help ourselves age more successfully.
Seeking Companionship After 50
Seeking a new friend and potential partner can seem daunting, especially if we haven’t been “out there” in years. We need to find the courage to learn how to look for companionship and feel safe doing it! This article provides us with some guidelines. More to come on this topic!
Selecting a New Place to Live
It’s really difficult to think about pulling up stakes and moving to a new location, especially when we are older and planning on “downsizing” and retiring. Learn about the most important factors to consider when making a move and how to "do the research."
Sing, Sing, Sing
We often think that we should have a great voice to sing, even when we are home by ourselves. Many of us don’t realize the huge benefits of singing or we might consider signing up for lessons, joining a choir, or singing to our favorite CD today! Read all about it here.
Singular Living Not a Cause for Concern
Living alone as we age might not be preferred by many, but isn't as negative as we might think. Read about aging and living alone here and then check out our Geriatrics Forum to learn more.
Sore Feet Fixes
Many of us have had problems with our feet, but as we get older the problems seem to become more numerous: everything from heel pain to an ingrown toenail. These ailments can affect our mobility and independence so it’s important to learn how to address them soonest.
Taking a Reality Check
Sometimes we get so caught up in our day to day activities (or get stuck and mourn the lack of enjoyable activities) after we retire that we forget to take a reality check on how we are spending our precious time. We can’t change the past but can learn how to make our futures “all they can be.”
Taking the Heat for Eating Meat
Most of us enjoy meat as a regular part of our diet, so it is painful to hear that eating meat is now deemed a health risk. Learn why it is important to cut back, options for making the shift, and which foods are best as replacements.
Technology as We Age
Statistics show that many older persons are not keeping up with technology and get very frustrated when trying to learn, such as using smart phones. There are many tech tools that would be useful to us as we age and enhance our quality of life. The key is to go slowly but go!
The Happiness Factor
Happiness increases as we surpass sixty years of age because as we've aged we tend to deal better with negative circumstances than younger folks. Learn how to be proactive in making our lives more enjoyable as we get older and how we naturally become more attuned to having a better life.
Tips for Controlling High Blood Pressure [offsite link]
Under-treatment of Hypertension? [offsite link]
Volunteering in Later Years
Studies have shown that people who volunteer often feel that they receive more than they give and lead happier, healthier lives. Read about how volunteering can add to our quality of life!
Ways to "Lighten Up"
Most of us have too much "stuff" and find it harder and harder to let go of it as we age. These are things we worked hard for and we keep them whether we are using them or not, causing clutter and a disorganized atmosphere. Read and learn about ways to make letting go much easier.
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