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BellaOnline Course FAQ

Do you have questions about Courses, how they work, and how to get them from BellaOnline? Here are the answers to your questions!

What is a Course?
Courses are online lessons offered by BellaOnline Editors on their topics of expertise. The entire course can be found online. Sometimes editors recommend that you get a book or course to go with the course, but it will not be required. You will have assignments to take and quizzes to test your knowledge. When you are done with your course, you can request a certificate of your achievement.

How Do I Sign Up for a Course?
To enroll in a course from BellaOnline, you must first be a BellaOnline Member so we can keep track of which Courses you have access to. Once you have created a membership, simply go to the page describing the Course you are interested in. At the bottom of the page is an ENROLL button. BellaOnline courses are all free. Once you have enrolled, you will be taken to your course listing page, where your course will be made available to you instantly.

Are Lessons Scheduled Once a Week?
Unlike other online classes where you have to sit around for a week or more to wait for the next lesson, at BellaOnline the schedule is completely up to you. You can work on a lesson a day, or a lesson a week. If you go on vacation, don't worry, your course will be waiting for you when you return. Yes, we do have chats to answer your questions live, but they are not required.

Will My Courses Vanish at Midnight Like Cinderella?
I've taken courses on other sites where I went away for a week or two - and when I returned all of my content was gone! In some cases I hadn't even finished the courses! You will never find that happening at BellaOnline. We fully believe that if you've shown interest in content, you have access to that content forever. You can always return to refer to your course notes, and to recap your lessons. That knowledge is yours.

Are Your Courses Accredited?
No, our courses are not assigned college credit. BellaOnline is run by a community of editors. We do not have the money or legal expertise to pursue college accredation. However, our courses are taught by women and men with great experience in their chosen areas. You will learn a great deal of information from your course, and it will help you learn new skills, improve your life and handle issues in your world.

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