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Low Carb - First 2 Weeks

by Lisa Shea
Getting started with a low carb diet can be easy, if you have help. This course starts with a week of preparation, and then two weeks beginning your low carb diet.

Number of Lessons: 8
Estimated Course Duration: 3 Weeks

You have probably heard ALL sorts of things about how a low carb diet works. You´ve heard that it involves eating steak and eggs all the time. You´ve heard that it ignores vegetables completely. It will amaze you when you realize just how wrong these statements are - and how incredibly healthy and natural a proper low carb diet is.

Low carb dieting is NOT about eating less. It is about eating BETTER. It´s about eating the way our grandparents did - fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grain breads, natural butter and cheese, grilled chicken and fish. It´s about cutting out the junk food, the candy, the soda that pumps us full of sugar. Our grandparents never drank 2 bottles of soda a day!

It can be really hard to start a new way of life without guidance. By taking this course, you´ll have me right by your side, giving you encouragement and advice. Every change in your life has to begin with one step - the desire to find a new, better way to live. I have been there, my boyfriend has been there. He has gone from over 300 pounds down to 220, without angst. It simply involves making a few better choices for yourself, each and every day.

Give low carb a chance and you´ll find it´s not a diet - it´s a lifestyle that is far better than any you´ve chosen before. This course helps you with a week of preparation, and then the first two weeks of the diet - always the most difficult time during any lifestyle change. We´ll get you off on the right foot!

NOTE: It is always wise to talk with a medical doctor before beginning any dietary change. I am not a doctor.

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