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Releasing Guilt

by Lisa Shea
Guilt has a short term function in our lives - but in the long term, guilt can destroy our health, happiness, and serenity. Learn how to release unnecessary guilt from your world so you can live each day to its fullest.

Number of Lessons: 9
Estimated Course Duration: 4 Weeks

Guilt has been around since the earliest days of civilization. Ancient stories, the Bible, and other literature regales us with endless stories of guilt and its consequences. People are eaten away by guilt and their lives are destroyed by guilt.

Guilt has some positive aspects. If a parent feels guilty about missing their child´s birthday, they might make a strong effort to never let that happen again. The guilt helps the parent focus on where their priorities are. It is a good thing that the person learns and changes their behavior to be more in line with their priorities.

Guilt can also become a negative force in life. Let´s say the parent misses a birthday party. Since that day - and for every subsequent day of their life - they feel depressed, sad, and guilty because of that failure. This negative cloud affects every activity they partake in with the child. The child´s life is now being darkened daily because of one mistake in the past. The child would probably be much happier if the parent renewed their efforts to be an attentive parent and was full of cheerful happy energy.

The key is to find that healthy balance between learning and letting go. Guilt is there to teach us a lesson about what we value in life. It is important we hear and act on that lesson. At that point, there is no reason to continually destroy our future weeks and years by wallowing in a negative cloud of guilt. That would prevent us from doing our best with our energy and health in future situations.

This course will help with those steps!

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